Even if the struggle feels like a huge pain, working toward the end result you want will give you an even greater sense of reward once you get it there. 即使这种挣扎让你感觉到极大的痛苦,朝着你预想的目标前进,一旦达到目标,你的成就感会更大。
That emotional response to pain makes evolutionary sense, the researchers say. 研究者们说对疼痛的情绪反应是有进化论意义的。
Zakat Al-Fitr is meant to alleviate the pain of the poor and to cultivate the sense of brotherhood and solidarity among the Muslim community. 开斋捐的意思是减轻穷人的痛苦,培养穆斯林社区中的兄弟手足和团结之情。
Such decisions are not always easy, and there is always pain, longing, and a sense of missing the one left behind until all cords of attachment are dissolved. 这类决定并不总是容易的,总有痛苦、渴望和一种对你所留下事物的缺失感觉,直到所有连接都被融解。
The pain of the deep sense of emptiness that you describe is the inevitable result of the choice for separation and is present, in some form, at the core of every separated one. 你所描述的这种对空虚之痛苦的深沈感受是选择了分裂后所不可避免的结果,并且各以某种形式显现出来,这是每个分离个体的核心状况。
Thus, specializing in pain made no more sense than specializing in fever. 因此,专门研究疼痛与专门研究发烧的意义差不多。
Maybe pain will give you some sense. 可能疼痛能让你知道点什么。
An old saying has it that:'Life and death are the ultimate things.'What a pain! Every time I read about the writings of people from the past, I always sense their feeling reflects my own. 每当看到前人所发的感慨,其缘由竟像一张符契那样一致,总难免要在前人的文章面前嗟叹一番,不过心里却弄不明白这是怎么回事。
Faulty or abnormal functioning. Their complaints were nerve root pain and dysfunctions of motion, sense and excretion. 主要表现为神经根痛和肢体运动、感觉及大小便功能障碍。
Yet we know relatively little about whether the pain that follows a loss is, in a health sense, necessary. 我们也不太知道丧失亲人带来的痛感在健康的意义上是否是必须的。
Endorphin is a chemical secreted from one's own body that helps reduces stress, pain and creates a general sense of well being and happiness. 内啡肽是人体自身释放的一种化学物质,用来帮助减压、镇痛,同时会让人产生一种幸福、快乐的感觉。
As economic pain grows, voters are increasingly choosing political parties out of a sense of anger and revulsion, not inspiration. 随着经济的不断恶化,选民日益出于愤怒和反感情绪(而非鼓舞)挑选政党。
And when asked about the pain he caused his victims he responded," What do I care? I'm not her," which is logically correct but, in a sense, inhuman. 当别人问他对受害者,造成的痛苦时,他回答时,“关我什么事?我又不是她”,从逻辑上说没错,但一点人性都没有。
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that has the effect of reducing pain, decreasing appetite, and producing a sense of calm, and in too large a quantity, inducing sleep. 这种血清素是一种神经递质,它有减轻疼痛,降低食欲,镇静的作用,一旦作用剂量较大时,它能促进睡眠。
The effect of Nerve Growth Factor on Pain Sense Recovery of Crushed Sciatic Never in Mice 神经生长因子对小鼠坐骨神经损伤的痛觉恢复作用
Analysing the characters in these two novels, the essay tries to study the sense of religion, the sense of pain and joy and the sense of the female. 文章从两部作品的人物入手进行分析,并试图对作品所呈现的宗教观、苦乐观、女性观等进行深入探究。
VAS was used to determine the pain sense during injection. 采用视觉类比法(VAS)行注射时痛觉测定。
It is a more advanced method in the research into pain sense physiology, especially at spinal level. 本工作对于痛觉生理学的研究,特别是在脊髓水平进行痛觉研究是一较先进的实验手段。
From above It could be concluded that HO-1/ CO play a role in the modulation effects on pain sense and pain reaction. 据此推定,HO-1/CO在上述神经部位参与了痛感觉及痛反应的调制。
The right upper abdomen is dull pain continuously or uncomfortable sense, or pain in companion's right shoulder blade district. 持续右上腹钝痛或不适感,或伴右肩胛区疼痛。
The dynasty-replaced pain, the ethnic-governed hatred, the sense of crisis of the dumping feudal building and the heavy footsteps of the feudal doomsday were already demonstrated in the rise and fall tragedy in the early Qing dynasty. 易代之痛,异族入主之恨,封建大厦将要倾倒的危机感,封建末世的沉重的脚步声,这些在清初兴亡悲剧中已经展示出来。
However, not the pain makes life meaningful, but life makes life even makes sense of pain. 但是,不是痛苦使人生具有意义,而是生命使人生、甚至有可能使痛苦具有意义。